All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (2024)

Jackfruit is like the jack of all trades when it comes to fruit. From starring as a meat substitute in savory recipes to being enjoyed as you would any other tropical fruit, it seems to be able to do it all. But what is it, how do you find it, and then how do you prepare it?

All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (1)

If you are eager to learn more about jackfruit, we’re going to dive into it today so that you feel fully prepared to enjoy this magical fruit in your favorite vegetarian recipes.

Table of Contents

  • What is Jackfruit?
  • Ripe vs. Unripe Jackfruit
  • Is Jackfruit Healthy?
  • What Does Jackfruit Taste Like?
  • Where to Buy Jackfruit
  • How to Prepare Canned Jackfruit
  • How to Use Jackfruit
  • And that’s a wrap!

What is Jackfruit?

Jackfruit is a fruit that is exclusively grown in Southeast Asia, originating in the region between southern India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

It is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines, both ripe and unripe (more on this next!).

It grows on a jack tree, a cousin of the fig tree, and is large, oblong, and has a unique bumpy green exterior. And when we say large…we mean it! Jackfruit is the largest fruit grown on all trees, weighing as much as 120 pounds! It is filled with white to yellowish colored pods that are made up of seeds and have a stringy consistency.

Jackfruit is quickly becoming available, and more popular, in North America in a variety of ways, from canned to frozen, or in packages. Depending on your location, you may be able to find it fresh, too.

Ripe vs. Unripe Jackfruit

Let’s look deeper at the differences between ripe and unripe jackfruit, and when you’ll use each.

Unripe jackfruit, otherwise known as green jackfruit, is very mild in taste with a firmer, meatier texture. This is the variety used in savory dishes, because of its ability to take on whichever flavor you’re cooking with it.

Ripe jackfruit, on the other hand, is sweet, similar to other tropical fruits. It can be compared to a banana and is enjoyed on its own as you would any other tropical fruit, or in sweet dishes, not savory.

All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (2)

Is Jackfruit Healthy?

I’m definitely not diving into a yes or no answer on this, because healthy is subjective, depending on what you’re looking for, so let’s cover its nutritional properties instead because there definitely are some health benefits of jackfruit.

According to the Cleaveland Clinic, jackfruit is rich in vitamins and contains some fiber, and is low in fat. It comes in at about 95 calories per 100-gram serving, with about 2 grams of protein.

When using jackfruit as a meat substitute, while the texture is very similar, the difference in protein is the biggest thing to keep in mind, as it may not keep you quite as full as other meat substitutes with higher protein amounts. I recommend adding another meat substitute like beans or tofu if you’re looking for more protein.

Jackfruit also contains a whole lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals (essentially chemicals produced by plants that help your body). These include B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and many more. It’s also known for some antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory components and has been used in ancient medicine for hundreds of years.

Overall, it’s a winner in my book!

Allergic to latex or birch pollen? You’ll want to skip the jackfruit recipes because these allergies can have a cross-reaction with jackfruit. Better to be safe than sorry!

What Does Jackfruit Taste Like?

The inner ‘meat’ of jackfruit is fairlymild in taste, with a slightly sweet hint to it.Because it’s so mild, ittakes on the flavor of that which it’s cooked (sauces, spices, etc.).

It’s more the texture – the ability to shred, mimicking the texture of meat – that makes it a great meat substitute. Not necessarily its flavor, although because it’s so mild it will absorb the spices or sauce you cook it in, making it super versatile.

While you can find a whole jackfruit in certain grocers or Asian specialty markets, I recommend starting withcanned jackfruit, in water or brine, not syrup. It’s much easier to work with.

Where to Buy Jackfruit

With jackfruit growing in popularity in North America, it’s becoming more common to find in local grocery stores in a variety of ways. While you might be able to find whole, fresh jackfruit in local Asian markets, you’re more likely to find it canned, dried, or prepared in other sauces in ready-to-go meals.

I highly recommend using canned jackfruit for most meat-substitute recipes you’ll find. Look for canned young green jackfruitin water or brine (not syrup!) for savory recipes. Here are some specific places I’ve found canned jackfruit:

  • Trader Joe’s
  • Specialty health-food stores or co-ops
  • Amazon
  • Whole Foods
  • Asian Market
  • Thrive Market
All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (3)

Side note: I have found that Trader Joe’s canned jackfruit has a softer texture than Native Forest’s canned jackfruit (the two brands I am able to find most frequently). This is totally ok, just take note that the shreds, if softer, have a tendency to become a little more mush than a more firm variety, so be careful to not overcook them.

How to Prepare Canned Jackfruit

I don’t have experience cutting or preparing fresh jackfruit, and since here on FITK we’re using canned jackfruit for our recipes, I’m going to cover how to prepare canned jackfruit today.

It’s important to say again: findyoung green jackfruit in a can that’s packed in wateror brine,not syrup for savory recipes. If it’s in syrup, it’s gonna be sweet.

Canned jackfruit will be in triangle-like pieces, most with athick base, and a shreddable top portion. Some pieces will contain large seedsthat look similar to Brazil nuts.

All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (4)

Start bydrainingthe jackfruit pieces and thenrinsethe pieces using a fine mesh strainer. Once they’re drained and rinsed, it’s time to begin shredding them by hand.

I find it easiest to just grab a piece of jackfruit,remove the thick base, and peel apart the shredded top. Some recommend saving the seeds and base part to finely chop and add back in later. I definitely take the lazy approach and have had no issues doing so.I simply break apart the base in my hand, too, and leave the seeds.

With fresh jackfruit, you would have to remove and prepare the seeds separately, however, because these are canned and have been cooked in the canning process, there’s not really a need to here.

All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (5)

Alternatively, you can use two forks to shred the jackfruit pieces, but honestly, I find the ‘hand method’ is the quickest way to get it shredded. For some recipes, you can even place the jackfruit pieces in a skillet and break them apart using a spoon, too.

All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (6)

How to Use Jackfruit

If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, unripe jackfruit is perfect as a meat substitute in savory recipes for its hearty, shredded, meat-like texture and its essentially flavorless taste to soak up whatever spices you’re using.

Once it’s prepared, it doesn’t need much to cook, you basically just need to heat it with spices or a sauce, and enjoy. It’s wonderful in curries, stir-frys, tacos, sandwiches, and more. Here are a few of my favorite jackfruit recipes:

  • Teriyaki Jackfruit Lettuce Wraps
  • Vegetarian Buffalo Dip
  • Jackfruit Tacos with Black Beans
  • Added to Vegetarian Tortilla Soup (in place of chicken)
  • BBQ Sandwiches with barbeque sauce (like pulled pork)
  • Jackfruit Carnitas
  • In burritos or enchiladas
All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (7)

And that’s a wrap!

As you can see, jackfruit is a wonderful way to enjoy more meatless meals and is super versatile when it comes to the recipes you can use with it. It’s less processed than other plant-based meat alternatives and can be more sustainable.

It’s one more ingredient to enjoy in your home to add variety to meals and your diet. Don’t forget that you’re looking for unripe, green jackfruit for savory recipes, but why not give sweet jackfruit a try as a tasty snack, too?! Be sure to let us know in the comments if you give it a try!

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5 (1 rating)

Get the RecipeHow to Prepare Jackfruit

Prep: 5 minutes mins

Total: 5 minutes mins

Servings: 20 ounces


If you've ever wondered "what is jackfruit?!", or what it tastes like, or how you can use it, then keep on reading, because we're going to dive into learning all about jackfruit! Recipe ideas included, too!



  • Drain the jackfruit pieces in a colander, then rinse with water to remove any excess salt from the brine, etc.

  • Take a piece of the jackfruit in your hand and remove the thick base. You can either chop or break the base apart using your fingers if desired. Depending on your recipe, you can also leave it whole.

  • Take the top part that looks like it will shred apart, and shred it between your fingers. Place all of the parts in a bowl and continue shredding the remaining pieces.

  • Seeds: you can either chop the seeds and add them to the shredded mixture or just toss them in as they are. They are soft and you won't even notice the whole seeds in the recipe.

  • Once the jackfruit is shredded, heat with spices on the stovetop, or heat and toss with your favorite sauce. See additional recipe ideas above in the post.

Course: Dinner

Author: Becca Mills

Cuisine: American

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All About Jackfruit & Recipe Ideas | Fork in the Kitchen (2024)


What is the best way to eat jackfruit? ›

Try it pan-fried, slow-cooked, sautéed or braised. You can also enjoy it raw as a refreshing snack or blended into smoothies, yogurt bowls, dressings, salsas and slaws. Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world!

What is jackfruit good for cooking? ›

Jackfruit is a great meat alternative from a texture perspective, as it has a chewy, stringy quality when cooked, making it great for vegan 'pulled pork' tacos and sandwiches. It also benefits from a solid nutrient profile, offering plenty of fibre, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants.

Do I need to rinse canned jackfruit? ›

Tinned jackfruit is easy to prepare, but must be rinsed, shredded, boiled and rinsed again. Jackfruit is a blank canvas for various spices. You can cook jackfruit in most of the ways you can cook meat.

How to prepare jackfruit for cooking? ›

Run a paring knife along the core to separate it from the fruit pods. Pull out fruit pods and remove the white fibers and tips. Cut pods in half lengthwise; remove the jackfruit seeds and their rubbery skins. From there, cut the jackfruit into whatever size pieces you need for your recipe.

What to avoid when eating jackfruit? ›

Jackfruit can also be harmful if you eat it with milk or carbonated drinks. It may cause digestion and skin issues.

What does jackfruit taste like when cooked? ›

What Does Jackfruit Taste Like? Ripe yellow jackfruit has a subtly sweet flavor, often described as a combination of banana, apple, and mango. Young green jackfruit, on the other hand, has a neutral flavor and texture similar to shredded meat, making it a popular meat substitute in savory dishes.

Should I wash jackfruit before eating? ›

Wash the whole jackfruit under running water. Nicely, remove the outer layer using a knife. Next, to remove the sticky, starchy juice from jackfruit, start by applying vegetable oil to your hands, knife, and cutting board. This helps prevent the sticky latex from sticking to the surfaces.

How long does jackfruit last in the fridge? ›

To keep yours fresh, store it in the refrigerator. If you cut it, cover it in plastic wrap or put it in an airtight container. Cut jackfruit can last 7 days in the refrigerator. You can freeze it for a longer lifespan.

How to make jackfruit taste like meat? ›

You can flavour the jackfruit with the same spices and flavours you would use for meats, and it has that great meaty texture. Can you use yellow jackfruit as meat? No, if you want to use jackfruit in place of meat, you should only buy green or unripe jackfruit. You'll usually find it in cans in brine.

Is jackfruit healthy? ›

Jackfruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and other important vitamins and minerals. Also, research suggests that compounds in the flesh, seeds, and other parts of the plant may potentially treat or prevent several health conditions. Jackfruit is a popular meat substitute.

How long to cook jackfruit from a can? ›

As I mentioned earlier, I highly recommend making more than one can of jackfruit for easy meal prep. I typically do 6-10 cans at a time, depending on who I'm serving and how much of a freezer stash I already have. Bring the water and jackfruit to a boil, then cook for 45 minutes.

Is jackfruit a fruit or vegetable? ›

Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit grown in Asia, Africa and South America. It belongs to the same plant family as figs and mulberries. Under its thick, bumpy green rind is a stringy yellow flesh that you can eat raw or cooked in a variety of dishes.

Can you eat the stringy part of jackfruit? ›

When the jackfruit is cooked, peel off the skin to reveal the seeds and pods surrounding the seeds. The seed pods can be eaten, as well as the stringy fleshy sections between the pods and skin.

Is it not allowed to drink water after eating jackfruit? ›

Jackfruit is rich in sugar content (sucrose) and acidic in nature. Drinking water after eating jackfruit will alter the pH and slow down the digestion process because water might dilute the digestive acids and the enzyme actions which might slow down or disrupt the digestive process.

Is jackfruit okay to eat raw? ›

Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit grown in Asia, Africa and South America. It belongs to the same plant family as figs and mulberries. Under its thick, bumpy green rind is a stringy yellow flesh that you can eat raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. (Its seeds are also edible.)


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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.