Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (2024)

Published: / Modified: by: Karen Lee / This post may contain affiliate links. As Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. /

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (1)
Have you heard of citrus enzyme? Me neither until I read about a month ago how it cleans a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. and everything.

And you know me - I want easy peasy but natural ways to clean. I even made my own soft scrub forscrubbing my bathtubbecause I hate the smell of commercial brands of scrubbers.

So when I read that a citrus enzyme can basically clean anything, I had to try it. But then I heard that it required 3 months of fermentation! That's like a whole trimester of pregnancy! For a baby, I'd understand but not for a cleaner. Besides, my house can't wait that long.

Then, I wondered if I can cut that time down by forcing it to ferment faster.


Well, after weeks of tweaking here and there, this is how I made my citrus enzyme.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe

You'll Need:

  • 2 Liter Wide Mouth Bottle -I used an old orange juice bottle from a neighbor's recycling bin. Yeah, I do that a lot - steal from neighbor's recycling bin. I chose this brand because it had a wide mouth and it was easier to squeeze the peels in.
  • 2 C or Enough citrus fruit peels to fit half the bottle. Oranges, Lemons, Lime,
  • ½ C Brown Sugar (Note: a reader said she used white sugar and it was fine too.)
  • 1 teaspoon of active yeast
  • 1 Liter of water
  • Funnel - to add brown sugar
  • Strainer or cheese cloth
  • 1 C Apple Cider Vinegar AFTER the enzyme is done fermenting

Pick a bottle that has a wide mouth and make sure to follow the proportions in this recipe. Do NOT double the recipe in this bottle. Chop up any citrus fruit scraps into chunks that will fit into the opening of the bottle. Add water, sugar, yeast, and shake for about 30 seconds. Then, close the cap LOOSELY so the trapped air can escape and not build up in the bottle.

You'll see the foam on the top in a day or two because of yeast fermentation. Shake the bottle daily for the first few days to mix the yeast and let out the air.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (2)

Do you see the bulging right side from gas build up?

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (3)

After about 2 weeks, the enzyme will look opaque. Strain the pulp and the peel.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (4)

Add apple cider vinegar to the liquid and store the liquid in a glass jar. You can create an all-purpose cleaner spray bottle with 1:10 ratio to water and clean away to your heart's content!

Or, you can use the concentration amounts that are appropriate for other cleaning uses.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (5)

Here is how to use this enzyme in laundry detergentlaundry detergernt WITHOUTBorax and dishwasher detergent dishwashing soap WITHOUT Borax.

Why bother with citrus enzyme? What'd the big deal?

My main purpose for making citrus enzyme is to add it to my dishwasher. And I'll tell you why tomorrow. But believe me when I tell you - this citrus enzyme cleaner WORKS on so many other things, in addition to dishwashing!!

And, citrus enzyme cleaners is great because it's:

1. Natural
2. Cheap since you are using up kitchen scraps
3. Effective
4. Easy to make

It is great:

  1. for dishes and laundry (use ¼ cup of enzyme to a load of dishwasher and washer)
  2. for washing bathrooms and toilets. grime comes off easily (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
  3. for removing stubborn stains and odors (colored fabrics and floors - used undiluted in the amounts you need.)
  4. to clean vegetables and fruits (1 part enzyme to 10 parts water)
  5. clear blockages in kitchen sinks and drains (use concentrated or blended pulp/sludge of enzyme)
  6. as a natural insect repellent (use undiluted) for ants, co*ckroaches
  7. for mopping floors (1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)
  8. as fertilizer for plants (use 1 part enzyme to 20 parts water, or use the leftover mop water)
  9. as a skincare product, e.g. facial cleanser or toner (1 part enzyme to 2 parts water)
  10. wash cars – cars will look as if they have just been polished! (1 part enzyme to 20 parts water)

Convinced yet? Thought so. More reasons to eat citrus fruits!

What do you use citrus enzyme for?

More Natural Living

  • Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask
  • How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Naturally - Once And For All
  • Non-Toxic DIY Dishwasher Tablets
  • Homemade Borax-Free Laundry Detergent for Sensitive Skin
Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (10)

About Karen Lee

I am a food writer, recipe developer, and a cookbook author sharing my family’s favorite simple & easy, allergy-friendly recipes with you! Let's connect on Instagram || Facebook || Pinterest || YouTube Learn more about me on the ABOUT page.

Reader Interactions


  1. Jen says

    Oh my goodness, i got so excited to read this. For the past year, I've collected orange peels (Cuties are very strong), and throwing them in my white vinegar! It started at the bottom of a gallon that was almost gone, but as I added peels, I started adding vinegar, too. It takes a good four weeks to get it stated, but after that, you're happy. When the vinegar smell dissipates, your left with a fresh citrus smell that isn't fake and you didn't have to purchase from a bottle!
    HOWEVER, this is AWESOME! And it works? I just can't wait to try it!!!!!

  2. Eric Blachford says

    Hi Karen. After straining and the solution sits for a couple days, there is some sediment at the bottom of the jar. Is that part of the enzyme cleaning agents or can that be strained out as well?


  3. Debra Honeyford says

    I've been making this since November, and I LOVE it!, I spray it all over like lysol, and it leaves the air smelling fresh. I use it to hand wash all my dishes. It erases scents, leaves no odor. Thank you for sharing.

    • Dr. Karen says

      Hi Debra, thanks for your feedback! Isn't it great for cleaning? I love using up feed scraps, especially, when it improves other aspect of our non-toxic lives! Thx for reading!

  4. Estephanie says

    Hi I just made my first batch just wanted to know if I need to keep it outside?

    • Dr. Karen says

      If you mean in room temp, yes, you can leave it out.

  5. Stephanie Moore says

    I love it but i would Like to know how Long can we keep it?

    • Dr. Karen says

      I keep it for weeks and it still works. But I use it up before anything happens to it, spoilage-wise.

  6. Charlotte says

    I was using vinegar until now, but if I add lemon essential oil to this recipe maybe it will smell better, what do you think?

    • Dr. Karen says

      That's a great idea Charlotte!

  7. All Things Wood says

    Great recipe! In fact, I think it will work well to kill moss and mildew on roofs. However, that will take about 5 gallons at a time. Do you know of any company that makes large amounts of citrus enzyme. Thanks

  8. eco*karen says

    chemicalfreeme I clean with vinegar too but fermented citrus oils is stronger than just I've been told. But I've taken short cuts before and just added citrus peels to vinegar to make the cleaner as well.

  9. chemicalfreeme says

    Hi! I was wondering why you can't just use apple cider vinegar without the sugar and yeast. I heard you can clean with apple cider vinegar and that raw unfiltered cider vinegar has enzymes.

    • eco*karen says

      GreenInOCYes, it does smell a bit but it dissipates fairly quickly after you spray. But if you really don't like the smell, you can try the EO. I don't normally buy it just to use it for this purpose. But I know some people are very sensitive to the smell - like my hubby - so any disguise will be fine. I'd guess you'd have to use a quite a bit for the whole bottle though...:(

  10. dbsrbb says

    While I made my own baby wipes when my now teens were little, and have been usingvinegarfor cleaning the floors for a long time, I have only been experimenting with green cleaning recipes for a short time. Now I am totally sold but have a new problem. I have to admit, I work full time and have someone clean my house every two weeks. I was able to get her to switch to "whole foods" green cleaning products, but they usually have some Spanish translation. Really making a full switch would take a lot of translation intoSpanish. Are therewebsites that have these recipes translated? I really feel for her and those in her industry as they are exposed to these horrible chemicals every day. It would be great if there were an educational campaign about cleaning with natural products for the professional Spanish speaking cleaners who are really at risk. They are exposed 10x as much as the average person. Any suggestions on resources?

    • eco*karen says

      dbsrbbOh my goodness. You bring up an excellent point. I get my house cleaned thoroughly by my kids' old babysitter when I need a 'real' cleaning but I'm lucky that she speaks English. I was happy to convert her to use non-toxic cleaners I make and she says she uses it when she cleans her own house now.
      But you gave me an idea to have my eBook translated it in Spanish! For the time being though, you can put any site pages, including my posts, through Google translator and show your cleaner what it says. But I'll let the community know when my eBook will be available in Spanish. Thanks for a great suggestion!

    • eco*karen says

      dbsrbbGuess what I found! Here are two Spanish site links that explains about toxic cleaners. and in Spanish -->
      Hope that help!

      • dbsrbb says

        Great. I will share this next the next time I am with my cleaner. She was receptive to using vinegar and baking soda and gets it so that is a great start. While I am waiting for my citrus enzyme to ferment, I made something for the bathroom with borax, vinegar, tee tree oil, castile soap and water and she liked using it.

        • eco*karen says

          dbsrbbThat's great! hope the links are helpful. Did you see my soft scrub formula? It works! doesn't even use Borax and it works!
          I'm sure she'll love the fact that these natural cleaners don't smell while she's using them!
          Good Luck!

  11. AshleySutton says

    I have used a homemade dishwasher detergent and it is leaving all of my plastic containers with a film. Will the enzyme help get rid of this film?

    • eco*karen says

      AshleySuttonI use this recipe for my dishwasher and it doesn't leave any film.
      I do add citrus enzyme cleaner if I have it. But even if i don't, the recipe works every time!

  12. LalaB says

    Hi Karen,
    Am excited to try this. Is it ok to use white vinegar instead of ACV?

    • eco*karen says

      LalaBYes, white vinegar works too. Good Luck!

  13. Susan says

    Wondering if you have to store it in glass or is plastic ok

    • eco*karen says

      Hi Susan,

      I stored mine in a plastic spray bottle and used it for general cleaning. And I left the remainder in a glass jar and used it for dishwasher, since it contacts food.

      Hope that helps.

  14. Silvia says

    Hi Karen,

    I followed your recipe 2 weeks ago and my cleaner is now ready for use. A few days ago I noticed, though, that between bottle shakes, the yeast started sitting at the bottom. The liquid is bubbly and has a bit of a fizz, so I'm assuming it hasn't really died. Do you think it's good to use?
    Also, I used white sugar - didn't have any brown at hand - and the fermentation started straight away!

    • eco*karen says

      Hi Silvia,

      It's ok to have a little bit of yeast remaining. It will continue to fizz until it's done. At some point, it will stop fizzing but you might still have some settle at the bottom. If you waited 2 weeks, it should be ready to use.

      Thanks for the tip about white sugar. I updated the ingredients!

      Good Luck !

      • Silvia says

        Fantastic! Thank you Karen, both for the recipe and the answer, you're an inspiration. I am really looking forward to trying it now!!

  15. Heather says

    Is there any reason I can't just use white sugar rather than brown?

    • karen says

      I followed a recipe that used brown sugar so that's what I did. But I'm going to try the white sugar for my next batch. My guess is that it doesn't matter. Sugar is for the yeast to ferment so it shouldn't make a difference.

  16. Rochelle says

    Karen, do you really use a stronger concentration on your face than on your toilet? Or....did I read that wrong? heeheee

    • karen says

      I did use that portion when I wrote it but I diluted it even a tbsp to a bathroom size cup of water.

      And I found out that a straight shot of the cleaner in the toilet works rather than diluting it...what's the point of diluting it when there is water in the toilet already. 🙂

  17. Shannon says

    But I would like to say, my 3 year old wanted to help clean (score!!) and it was so nice that not only was it "natural" but all the ingredients are basically edible too (not that I'd recommend it...)

    • karen says

      How nice that she wants to help you clean! Enjoy the help while it lasts. I have to pay my kids to help me clean. now that they are teenagers! Grrrr....

      And I agree about the cleaner being totally natural and safe....naturally fat house smelling, but totally safer than a frat house.

  18. Shannon says

    Alicia I thought the same thing. Obviously it doesn't smell like pledge, but.... I used it on my floors last night and it still smells a bit like a frat house at times. It did clean well, but I think I'll dilute it more next time. Do you store in the fridge?

    • karen says

      omg...."frat house" is not exactly what I going after with this recipe. So sorry to hear that.

      Yes, it's not exactly Pledge but it shouldn't smell like a frat house. 🙁

      Did you dilute it to 1:10??? Maybe you should dilute it even more?? My enzyme cleaner doesn't last long enough to warrant storing it in the fridge. I use it in my bathroom, laundry (I use straight vinegar as fabric softener so it washes out the citrus enzyme smell), floors, counters, everywhere. But when I use it on the counter, I use the diluted version from a spray bottle. When I use it on the floor, I put about 1/8 C of the enzyme and about 3 gal. of warm water. When I use it in my toilet, I use about 1/2 C straight in the toilet bowl. Maybe I should add this to my post so my readers don't get confused what amounts to use.

      The trick is to kinda 'play' with the amounts to your liking.

  19. Alicia says

    I finished the recipe today (let it ferment for 2 weeks, strained it and added apple cider vinegar). However, I'm not too pleased with the scent. If I use it for a cleaner, I feel like it will make my house smell like fermented fruit - not a pleasing smell, in my opinion. I followed the recipe to a "t" (except I used a washed out orange soda bottle instead of a wide mouth container). Is it supposed to smell like this?

    • karen says

      Hi Alicia,

      I know what you mean by the scent but it dissipates very quickly. I was skeptical too but my wash or my house DOES NOT smell foul when I use it. It's like using vinegar to clean - the smell evaporates rather quickly. I think the fermentation process changes the citrus smell but the the "fermented fruit" smell doesn't last.

      • Alicia says

        I'll go ahead and give it a try then! 🙂

  20. Laurie says

    I followed the recipe 2 days ago and set the bottle outside in the sun to help speed the fermentation. Now, 2 days later, I'm not really seeing the same amount of bubbles rising to the surface, and the liquid is already fairly "opaque." If it has stopped bubbling, then have I done something wrong? Did the sun kill the yeast? Any thoughts? Don't know if I should go ahead and pull the batch, assuming it fermented that much more quickly and is usable, let it sit for another week and a half, add more sugar, or start from scratch.

    • McKenna says

      I have the same problem, so I'm waiting for Karen to comment as well. Thanks for posting this!

      • eco*karen says

        Hmmm....I wonder if the yeast was a bat batch? Sometimes when I 'proof' yeast for baking, they are not as active as they should be. Temperature might be an issue too....can't be too hot, otherwise, they die. Don't throw away this batch of enzyme though....It should theoretically take 3 months to ferment without yeast. Yeast suppose to speed it up a bit; that's why I'm using it in this recipe.

        Start a new batch with yeast (and use it in 2 weeks) but keep this one and use it a couple of months later.

        Hope that helps.

        • McKenna says

          I suspect the yeast, too, but wanted to verify it with you. I have already saved orange and lime peels for the next batch (had to put them in the freezer, as I don't have enough at any one time). I'll buy new yeast -- this batch is old, though within its expiration date -- and try again.


  21. Caroline says

    I looked at the 3-month recipe you used as a basis for this and it mentioned pineapple. We just got a fresh pineapple and tossed the skin (?) in the scrap pile but I wonder now if pineapple "rinds" or kiwi skins would be useful in this recipe as I seem to recall one cannot use fresh pineapple or kiwi in jell-o as the ENZYMES will prevent gelling.

    • eco*karen says

      Hi Caroline,

      Pineapple does have bromelain, which is a proteolytic enzyme that acts as anti-inflammatory. It also acts like meat tenderizer, being an enzyme. But I don't know what, if any, effect it would have on cleaning properties.

  22. Laura says

    This recipe looks very doable! I wonder what its shelf life is, i.e. does it go bad after awhile, or will it last quite a while?

    • karen says


      I end up using it up before it goes 'bad' so I really don't know what the shelf life is. I literally us it for everything. Floors to dishwasher to washing machine. So I end up using it up before I notice any mold or foul smell. If you are concerned about it going bad, may be you can refrigerate it while using it? Just a thought.

  23. Caroline says

    Does this use only the PEELS?
    Do we need to scrape out all the pith and pulp??

    • eco*karen says

      I used the peels, haphazardly chopped up. No need to be meticulous about scraping the pulp or pith.

      Hope that helps!

  24. Lillie says

    I have been using my own enzyme cleaner for a couple of years now. I keep a separate bottle of baking soda to shake over what I am cleaning for an added scouring effect. Very glad to be using this firstly because it is natural and safe, and also I am doing my bit to reduce some chemicals into our precious earth.

    • eco*karen says


      Baking soda shaker is a great idea! I always drag by box with me. Thanks for the tip! I should buy one of those sugar or cheese shakers!

      • Lillie says

        Hi Karen
        Apologies for this long overdue response.
        I just contain my baking soda in a used clean water bottle. Guess there's no need to buy a separate sugar or cheese shakers. I think the baking soda powder may clog up those holes?
        Anyway, have fun cleaning! (I do try! 😉

        • Stacy says

          A suggestion would be to recycle a grated cheese bottle and use that as a shaker. Holes are big enough, it can be sealed so it doesn't spill, and it would be handy.

          • eco*karen says

            That's what I was thinking too!

        • eco*karen says

          No worries. I just love that shaker idea. I'm always lugging the box with a spout or spooning out of a jar, which is such a PIA! 🙂

      • Ann Fennell says

        I use flip-top spice shaker jars for baking soda, the cat litter deodorant (arm & hammer), inulin fiber to shake into my green tea & other foods, & other such things.

  25. Shelly Rosenkild says

    Hi Karen,

    I'm going to try it with my tangerine peels from our tree. I only have a few peels at a time, so can I stick them in the bottle and when it reaches the desired amount, then add the rest? Or, would that affect the mix if they dry out...or mold?


    • karen says

      Hi Shelly,

      I always started with enough peels to make a batch. Because of the yeast, I didn't want to take a chance in changing the ratio. I don't know how it would ferment if you start with just a little with the amount of yeast that's in the formula. I guess you can try it but I can't guarantee that it would ferment correctly.

      I know that's not what you want to hear but....go eat some more citrus! Make lemonade, limenade, and eat some more oranges! LOL...

      • Shelly Rosenkild says

        Well, I wasn't going to add any of the other ingredients until I had the amount of peels needed. But, maybe if they dry out the proportions would be off?

        • karen says

          I never tried dried peels so I don't know if they would get reconstituted when you add water. If they do, it would be concentrated. I just don't know if they would get back to its original state for it to release any of its oils.

          • Shelly Rosenkild says

            I guess it's time for me to experiment , too!

    • jean radcliffe says

      If you anly have a few peels at a time..... Maybe puting them in the freezer till you have enough to make a batch. Just a thought

      • Shelly Rosenkild says

        Thank you, Jean. That's a great idea!

  26. Deb says

    Can you use regular vinegar instead of Apple cider vinegar, or can I use my orange vinegar?

    • karen says

      You can use regular White Distilled Vinegar too. I just like ACV because it's an added fruit acid. But any acid will do.

  27. dee says

    Can you put an airlock in the lid of the jar to release the builtup gas?

    • karen says

      What do you mean an 'airlock'? I just loosen up the cap and check it once in awhile and it has been fine.

      • dee says

        When you use an airlock you never have to worry about pressure buildup because it has a water seal but is airtight.

  28. Jenn Flynn-Shon says

    This sounds so easy to make. Only question - do I have to use oranges in the formula or can I just use lemon/lime? I'm one of those lucky gals who has a husband that likes to help clean the house but he's allergic to oranges so I certainly don't want to knock him off...while he's doing the cleaning anyway heehee.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • karen says

      Hi Jenn,

      Any citrus fruit will do. If you can't use oranges, use lemon and lime. Even grapefruit should be ok....unless he's allergic to grapefruit. 😛

  29. dwhite2762 says

    This is fabulous. I have been making my own laundry soap for awhile with borax but I wanted to make something easier for the dishwasher. The recipe that I had before called for citric acid and it was hard to find. I'll start making this right away. I hadn't heard of it but I'm on board already. Thanks.


  30. Mary says

    I love this idea! I'm sure it smells yummy and I can't wait to try it!

  31. Lauren says

    At what point do you add the cider vinegar?

    • eco*karen says

      Ooops....sorry for that omission.

      I added ACV to the strained enzyme before storing it a separate jar. Sorry. I should add that to the post. Thanks for catching that.

  32. Lizzie says

    I love this idea and am itching to try it! Do you know if the citrus attracts ants on the surfaces you clean? I'd think anything related to fruit would be tempting for the tiny ants I'm trying to stave off.

    • eco*karen says

      I hear ya about ants. So far, so good. Haven't had any ants on my kitchen counter since using the spray.

      It'll be interesting to see how it works in the summer though.

Citrus Enzyme Cleaner Recipe (2024)


How do you make citrus enzyme cleaner? ›

Ingredients & Equipment:
  1. 2 Cups Citrus Peels.
  2. 1 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar.
  3. 4 Cups Water.
  4. Half Gallon Mason Jar.
  5. reCAP POUR Lid and Waterless Airlock for fermenting.
  6. 1 tsp Yeast optional.
  7. 1 Cup Baking Soda.
Apr 20, 2023

How do I make my own enzyme cleaner? ›

Put chopped citrus peels, lukewarm water, brown sugar, and yeast in a plastic bottle. Let the enzyme cleaner ferment in a warm room for at least 1 month. Shake the bottle and open it daily to release gas buildup. Strain out the citrus peels and transfer your enzyme cleaner into an airtight container.

How do you make citrus all purpose cleaner? ›

Add the peels from one citrus fruit of your choice to 4 cups of water. Heat to boiling then remove from the heat and allow to cool. Pull out the peels. Add 6 tablespoons of distilled vinegar and 3 teaspoons of borax to the cooled citrus water.

How do you make an enzyme solution? ›

Enzyme: Dissolve 5 mg of enzyme powder in 5 mL of purified water. Store on ice. At least 2 amounts of enzyme solution (1 mg/mL) have to be tested.

Is vinegar and baking soda an enzyme cleaner? ›

They can also incorporate some of these enzymes into traditionally chemical-based cleaners for maximum effectiveness. This means that household cleaners such as vinegar, lemon, and baking soda are not enzymatic cleaners.

How do you make citrus bio enzymes? ›

All you have to do is mix these 3 ingredients as per the ratio –10:3:1 of Water: Fruit peel : Jaggery. So, for every 10 parts of water, add 3 parts of fresh fruit peels (preferably citrus) and 1 part of jaggery. Mix well and that's about it.

What ingredients make an enzyme cleaner? ›

The ratio of making enzyme cleaner is:
  • 1 part brown sugar.
  • 3 parts fruit scraps.
  • 10 parts plain water. Some tips on making enzyme cleaner: Any fruit / veggie scraps would work, but citrus peels are one of the most fragrant options for your cleaner.
Aug 3, 2017

Is Dawn dish soap an enzyme cleaner? ›

Dawn contains enzymes and biodegradable surfactants.

How do you make lemon citrus cleaner? ›

  1. Fill a small jar with citrus peels and top with vinegar.
  2. Leave the mixture to sit in a cool, dark place for at least 2-3 weeks.
  3. Strain liquid through a muslin cloth or nut milk bag over a clean bowl, discarding peel.
  4. Transfer into container of choice (I like to use a glass trigger spray bottle).

What can I mix with citric acid for cleaning? ›

Simply mix the powder (anhydrous) form with water into a 5-7% solution. This should be sufficient for light descaling, removing mineral deposits, hard water stain removal, etc. If you want to try an increased concentration for more effectiveness, a 10% solution may be slightly more effective.

What is a citrus based cleaner? ›

A citrus oil-based cleaning product will not cause corrosion or rust. Such products are made from the oil found in the orange peel, rather than the pulp and juice of the orange. Some products contain citric acid (found in the pulp and juice of oranges), so read the label to find out exactly what you're getting.

What is a substitute for enzyme cleaner? ›

Acidic vinegar is very effective at cutting through dirt, grease, buildup, and watermarks on objects around your home, but it's also good at eliminating odors and getting rid of stains. To make this cleaner, all you need to do is mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle.

What is the formula for an enzyme? ›

The Michaelis-Menten equation arises from the general equation for an enzymatic reaction: E + S ↔ ES ↔ E + P, where E is the enzyme, S is the substrate, ES is the enzyme-substrate complex, and P is the product.

What's a good enzyme cleaner? ›

Biokleen Bac-Out Enzyme Stain & Odor Remover

It's hard to go wrong with Biokleen's liquid carpet stain and odor remover.

What enzyme breaks down citrus? ›

Pectinase acts as a catalyst in the hydrolysis of pectin, breaking it down into smaller molecules. This enzymatic action weakens the structural integrity of the pith and membranes, making them more susceptible to mechanical separation. Using Pectinase for Citrus Fruit: 1.

How do you make enzyme cleaner with orange peels? ›

How To Make Your Own Citrus Enzyme Cleaner With Leftover Fruit
  1. Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly and remove the peels. ...
  2. Cut the peels into small pieces and put them in an airtight container.
  3. Add brown sugar to the container and mix well.
  4. Pour water into the container and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Apr 8, 2023

Is Borax an enzyme cleaner? ›

Borax is an enzyme stabilizer, emulsifier, and odor inhibitor. It is also a type of antiseptic, fungicide, and component in the production of glazes and enamels.

What is the active ingredient in enzyme cleaner? ›

Enzymatic cleaners contain enzymes, which help to break down soils at a neutral pH (typically pH 6-8). There can be various types of enzymes in enzymatic cleaners, such as proteases, amylases, and lipases which break down various types of soils. All types of enzymes belong to a class of compounds called proteins.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.