Feiten Over De Aardbeving In Alaska In 1964 - 2024 | Planeet aarde (2024)

Dit jaar markeert het 50-jarig jubileum van de Grote Aardbeving in Alaska in 1964, een evenement dat veranderde hoe geologen de aarde zien. Hier zijn 11 interessante feiten en cijfers over deze historische aardbeving.

  • Van de 131 mensen die tijdens de aardbeving zijn gedood, stierven er 119 bij tsunami's. De meesten werden gedood door tsunami's veroorzaakt door onderwaterverschuivingen, niet door de door aardbevingen veroorzaakte tsunami.
  • In Chenega verdronken 25 van de 76 inwoners van het dorp in een tsunami. Het enige gebouw dat de golf overleefde, was het schoolgebouw, gebouwd op 30 meter boven zeeniveau.
  • Verschillende steden en dorpen werden verplaatst naar veiliger terrein na de tsunami's, waaronder Seward, Valdez, Girdwood en Chenega.
  • De hoogste tsunami-golfhoogte was 219 voet (67 m) in Shoup Bay in de Valdez Inlet.
  • De wereld ging enkele weken als een bel door de golven van de aardbevingen.
  • Seiche-golven, klotsen van water heen en weer in een klein waterlichaam zoals een boothaven of een zwembad, werden opgemerkt tot ver in Louisiana, waar een aantal vissersboten tot zinken waren gebracht. Oscillaties in de hoogte van water in putten werden gemeld zo ver weg als Zuid-Afrika.
  • De aardbeving had aanvankelijk een magnitude van 8.5 op de schaal van Richter. De momentschaal, een betere maat voor seismisch vermogen, heeft sindsdien de schaal van Richter vervangen. De nieuwe schatting is magnitude 9.2, de op een na krachtigste ooit opgenomen.
  • Als de energie van een aardbeving van magnitude 5 gelijk is aan het afbreken van een enkele spaghettistreng, geeft een aardbeving van magnitude 9.2 genoeg energie vrij om 800.000 spaghettistrengen te breken, volgens de U.S. Geological Survey.
  • De schade bedroeg ongeveer $ 300 miljoen in 1964 dollar ($ 2,3 miljard in dollars van 2013).
  • Vier van de vijf aardbevingen in de Verenigde Staten vinden plaats in Alaska.
  • Na de aardbeving met megatransacties van 1964, brak driekwart van de Alecedus-subductiezone in een periode van acht jaar. De subductiezone is 2.100 mijl (3.300 kilometer) lang.

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Feiten Over De Aardbeving In Alaska In 1964 - 2024 | Planeet aarde (1)

FAQ - 💬

❓ Wat zijn de top 5 zwaarste aardbevingen ooit gemeten?

👉 De krachtigste aardbevingen

Valdivia, ChiliGrote Chileense Aardbeving22-05-1960
Atjeh, IndonesiëZeebeving Indische Oceaan 200426-12-2004
Prince William Sound, Verenigde StatenAardbeving Alaska 196428-03-1964
Sendai, JapanZeebeving Japan 201111-03-2011

❓ Wat was de zwaarste aardbeving in de wereld?

👉 De Grote Chileense Aardbeving of de Valdivia-aardbeving was de sterkste aardbeving die ooit is gemeten. Deze beving, die plaatsvond op 22 mei 1960 in de provincie Valdivia in Chili had een kracht van 9,6 op de momentmagnitudeschaal, wat overeenkomt met ongeveer 32 gigaton TNT.

❓ Waar was de zwaarste aardbeving van Nederland?

👉 Op 14 juli vond de krachtigste aardbeving van 2020 plaats bij Loppersum. Deze had een magnitude van 2,7 op de schaal van Richter. De zwaarste geïnduceerde aardbeving ooit in Nederland gemeten was op 16 augustus 2012 in het Groningse Huizinge met een magnitude van 3,6.

❓ Hoe krachtig is een aardbeving?

👉 Een aardbeving met een magnitude van 1 of 2 is zo zwak dat je er vrijwel niets van voelt, laat staan dat er gebouwen door instorten. Vanaf magnitude 4 ga je het echt voelen en kan er (lichte) schade optreden. Aardbevingen vanaf ongeveer 6 op de schaal van Richter hebben grote gevolgen.

❓ Wat is de gevaarlijkste aardbeving ter wereld?

👉 Sumatra, Indonesië: De dodelijkste aardbeving ooit, de tsunami die volgde op de beving met magnitude 9,1 in december 2004 eiste 227.898 slachtoffers. 4. Kamtsjatka, Rusland: Een beving met magnitude 9 in november 1952 veroorzaakt geen slachtoffers.

❓ Wat is de dodelijkste aardbeving?

👉 Shaanxi-aardbeving (China) van 1556: Vaak beschouwd als de dodelijkste aardbeving in de geregistreerde geschiedenis, eiste het het leven van naar schatting 830.000 mensen.

❓ What happened in Anchorage in 1964?

👉 In Anchorage, wet, silty soils liquefied and a massive landslide destroyed 75 homes in 1964. Now known as Earthquake Park, the Turnagain Heights landslide is where children and homes were swallowed in the fissured ground. Some of the city's most expensive houses slid into the ocean atop liquefied soils.

❓ How did the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake change the world?

👉 [ See Photos of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake] The geologic discoveries transformed how we understand the Earth. "In 1964, earth scientists were swept away by the plate tectonic revolution, which changed everything we know about how the earth works," said Ross Stein, a U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist.

❓ How powerful was the Great Alaska earthquake?

👉 In 50 years, no earthquake since has matched the power of the March 27, 1964, Great Alaska earthquake. Now ranked a magnitude 9.2, the second-largest ever recorded, the earthquake radically transformed the young state. Important coastal ports, roads and rail lines were destroyed.

❓ What happened in Alaska?

👉 For more than 4 minutes, the earth buckled and lurched all across southern Alaska. Few people returned home to their meals that night. In Anchorage, the ground cracked open and giant fissures swallowed children whole, killing them in front of their siblings.

Feiten Over De Aardbeving In Alaska In 1964 - 2024 | Planeet aarde (2024)


What caused the uplift of Alaska in 1964? ›

Strong, destructive earthquakes can accompany a rapid, several-meter uplift of bedrock along subduction zones. That's where one tectonic plate sinks beneath another. In 1964, portions of the Pacific Plate along Alaska's long southern coastline moved north, diving beneath the North American Plate.

What happened to the land in Alaska during the 1964 earthquake? ›

Anchorage sustained great destruction or damage to many inadequately earthquake engineered houses, buildings, and infrastructure particularly in the several landslide zones along Knik Arm. Two hundred miles southwest, some areas of coastline near Kodiak and Hinchinbrook Island were permanently raised by 30 feet.

Why was the Alaska earthquake so large on March 27, 1964? ›

The Great Alaska Earthquake remains the second-largest ever recorded in the world. Each earthquake releases energy when rock ruptures after accumulating strain. The energy release from the 1964 quake was so large because 600 miles (970 km) of fault ruptured in only 4 minutes and moved up to 60 feet (18 m).

What type of fault caused the 1964 Alaska earthquake? ›

The Alaska earthquake was a subduction zone (megathrust) earthquake, caused by an oceanic plate sinking under a continental plate. The fault responsible was the Aleutian Megathrust, a reverse fault caused by a compressional force.

How did the 1964 Alaska earthquake affect the economy? ›

Property damage and loss of income to the communities is estimated at more than $45 million. The largest community, Kodiak, had the greatest loss from the earthquake. Damage was caused chiefly by 5.6 feet of tectonic subsidence and a train of 10 seismic sea waves that inundated the low-lying areas of the town.

Was there any warning before the 1964 Alaska earthquake? ›

On March 27, Good Friday of 1964 at 5:36 PM violent shaking erupted without warning across South Central Alaska.

What town was destroyed by the earthquake in Alaska? ›

This is where the settlement of Portage once stood. On March 27, 1964, the magnitude 9.2 Good Friday Earthquake struck south central Alaska, devastating the 49th State's most populous region.

How much did it cost to rebuild Alaska after the 1964 earthquake? ›

A Costly Disaster

President Lyndon Johnson declared the entire state of Alaska a major disaster area a day after the earthquake. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spent about $110 million dollars repairing infrastructure, rebuilding communities, and clearing debris.

How far away could the 1964 Alaska earthquake be felt? ›

The earthquake was felt throughout most of mainland Alaska, as far west as Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands some 480 miles away, and at Seattle, Washington, more than 1,200 miles to the southeast of the fault rupture, where the Space Needle swayed perceptibly.

How many people died in the 1964 Alaska tsunami? ›

A total of 128 people died as a result of the tsunami, including 16 from California and 4 children from Oregon. Damages to Pacific Coast states and territories totaled $895 million (2011 USD).

How deep was the 1964 earthquake? ›

The earthquake rupture started approximately 25 km beneath the surface, with its epicenter about 6 miles (10 km) east of the mouth of College Fiord, 56 miles (90 km) west of Valdez and 75 miles (120 km) east of Anchorage.

When was the 9.2 earthquake in Alaska? ›

On 27 March 1964, an earthquake of the reported magnitude 9.2 occurred on a fault between the Pacific and North American plates. It shook Alaska's environment surrounding Prince William Sound and left a footprint of destruction behind.

What did we learn from the 1964 Alaska earthquake? ›

The 1964 earthquake occurred at a pivotal time in the history of plate tectonics theory, giving scientists a context to understand the hazards of megathrust earthquakes, and more importantly, it led to the creation of modern national programs to reduce risk from earthquakes and tsunamis.

What kind of damage did the 1964 Alaska earthquake cause? ›

The earthquake triggered a swell of devastating tsunamis, landslides and submarine slumps which caused massive property damage and loss of life. The death toll reached 131 people: 15 died during the initial tremors and the rest in the subsequent tsunamis and landslides.

What caused the uplift of the Alaska shoreline? ›

Glaciers and icefields in the Coast Mountains have thinned rapidly since the end of the Little Ice Age approximately 250 years ago, and the associated unloading of the Earth's surface has led to land surface uplift (or glacial isostatic rebound) across the region.

What is the most lasting legacy of the 1964 Alaska earthquake? ›

The leap in scientific understanding that followed the 1964 earthquake has led to major breakthroughs in earth science research worldwide over the past half century.

What changes have been made in Alaska since the 1964 earthquake that make it safer to live there? ›

Alaska has changed significantly since the damaging 1964 earthquake, and the population has more than doubled. Many new buildings are designed to withstand intense shaking; some older buildings have been reinforced, and development has been discouraged in some particularly hazardous areas.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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