Transportation / What is the Aspen X2 Portal (2024)

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  • What is the Aspen X2 Portal
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  • What is the Aspen X2 Portal
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      • Aspen is a secure, web-based school information management system. It helps school districts track all types of student data- from attendance to conduct, grades to schedules, health to special education. Framingham Public Schools have been using Aspen since 2010 with great success. We are now initiating a task to be completed by the parent/guardian for a Transportation Request. This will allow parents to sign up their students for transportation on our school buses.

        What information can I access through The Aspen X2 Portal?
        You, as a parent/guardian, can log into each students account to securely access the information from just about anywhere. With Aspen, you can:

        • Complete a Transportation Request Form
        • View demographics, residential address, Bus Info
        • View contact names and information

        **You can only view, not edit, your child’s demographic and contact data. If you find that it is outdated or incorrect, notify your child’s school building to correct any errors.

        How do I access the system?
        You can log on the Aspen’s Portal from any device that connects to the Internet.

        1. Open your browser to connect to the Internet.
        2. Go to
        3. Enter your Login ID and Password.
        4. The first time you log on, you will be prompted to change your password. Your home page will then appear.
        5. From a mobile device, once you are logged in, select View Full Site.

        I do not know my Login ID or password.

        • Your Login ID is always your student’s 6-digit LASID
        • Your default password is your student’s date of birth, as YYYYMMDD. You will be prompted to change this. MS and HS students who have accessed the Portal will use their existing password
        • If you have more than one student, you will log in separately for each student using their LASID

        Where can I find my student’s LASID number?

        • Your student’s LASID number is 1 + student’s lunch ID#
        • On your student’s report card
        • On your student’s bus pass
        • By requesting it through your student’s school

        I’ve signed into Aspen X2 Portal and changed my password, now I forget what my password is.
        You can call 508-626-9179 between the hours of 10am – 2pm Monday through Friday to have your password reset. Aspen X2 Password Reset Request

      • Aspen es un sistema de gestión de información escolar seguro y basado en el internet. Le ayuda a los distritos escolares atender a todo tipo de datos estudiantiles - la asistencia escolar, las notas, horarios, salud y/o educación especial. Las escuelas públicas de Framingham ha estado utilizando Aspen desde 2010 con grandes resultados. Ahora la estaremos utilizando para el inicio de la tarea de Solicitud de transporte que ha de ser completada por el padre o tutor. Esto le permitirá a los padres inscribir a sus estudiantes en el servicio de transporte en nuestros autobuses escolares.

        ¿Qué información puedo acceder a través del Portal Aspen X2?

        Como padre, guardián o tutor, Ud. puede iniciar una sesión en cada cuenta de sus hijos para acceder información sobre sus hijos con seguridad desde cualquier lugar. Con Aspen, usted puede:

        • Completar un Formulario de solicitud de transporte
        • Ver información demográfica, comprobar su dirección, información sobre los buses
        • Ver los nombres para contactar y demás información
        • ** Sólo puede ver, y no editar, los datos demográficos y de contacto de su hijo/a. Si encuentra que es obsoleta o incorrecta, notifique a la escuela de su hijo/a para corregir los errores.

        ¿Cómo accedo al sistema?
        Puede iniciar una sesión en el Portal de Aspen desde cualquier dispositivo que esté conectado al Internet.

        1. Abra su navegador y conéctese al Internet.
        2. Vaya a la página
        3. Introduzca su nombre de usuario y contraseña.
        4. La primera vez que inicia una sesión, se le pedirá cambiar la contraseña. Aparecerá su página de inicio.
        5. En un dispositivo móvil, una vez conectado, seleccione Ver Sitio Completo. (View Full Site)

        No sé mi nombre de usuario ni contraseña.

        • El nombre de usuario siempre es el número de identificación de 6 dígitos LASID de su estudiante
        • La contraseña, por defecto, es la fecha de nacimiento de su estudiante, presentada en la forma AAAAMMDD. La primera vez que ingresa al sistema, se le pedirá cambiarla. Los estudiantes de escuela media y secundaria que han tenido acceso al Portal, utilizarán su contraseña existente.
        • Si Ud. tiene más de un estudiante, iniciará una sesión por separado por cada estudiante utilizando el respectivo LASID

        ¿Dónde puedo encontrar mi número de identificación LASID??

        • El número de identificación LASID es el 1 + # de identificación en el carnet de almuerzo del estudiante.
        • En el boletín de su hijo/a.
        • En el pase de autobús de su hijo/a.
        • Solicitándolo por medio de la escuela de su estudiante.

        He ingresado previamente al Portal Aspen X2 y he cambiado mi contraseña, y ahora se me olvidó.

        Puede llamar al 508-626-9179 entre las horas de 10:00 am y 2:00 pm, de lunes a viernes, para volver a fijar su contraseña. Solicitud para cambiar la contraseña de Aspen X2

      • Aspen é um sistema gerenciador de informações escolares seguro. Ele ajuda os distritos escolares guardarem todos os tipos de informação – de assiduidade à conduta, notas aos horários, saúde à educação especial. As Escolas Públicas de Framingham estão usando o Aspen desde 2010 com grande sucesso. Estamos iniciando uma tarefa de Solicitação de Transporte a ser completada pelos pais/responsáveis. Assim, os pais poderão inscrever seus estudantes para o transporte em nossos ônibus escolares.

        Que informação eu posso acessar através do Portal Aspen X2?
        Você, como pai/responsável, poderá entrar com segurança na conta de cada estudante de onde você estiver. Com o Aspen, você poderá:

        • Completar um Formulário de Solicitação de Transporte
        • Ver dados demográficos, endereço, informação do ônibus
        • Ver os nomes e informações de seus contatos
        • **Você poderá apenas ver, e não editar, os dados demográficos e pessoas de contato. Se alguma dessas informações precisar ser atualizada, peça à sua escola para corrigir os erros.

        Como eu posso acessar o sistema?
        Você pode entrar no Portal Aspen de qualquer aparelho que possa se conectar com a internet.

        1. Abra seu navegador para conectar a internet.
        2. Vá ao site
        3. Entre seu número identificador e senha.
        4. A primeira vez que você entrar, será pedido que você mude a senha. Sua página inicial aparecerá.
        5. De um aparelho portátil, assim que você entrar no site, selecione a Visão Integral do Site (View Full Site).

        Eu não sei meu número identificador nem minha senha.

        • Seu número identificador será sempre o número de seis dígitos do estudante (LASID)
        • Sua senha inicial é a data de nascimento do estudante, YYYYMMDD. Será pedido que você mude a senha. Alunos da escola média e da high school que já acessaram o Portal usarão sua senha existente.
        • Se você tiver mais de um estudante, você deverá entrar separadamente para cada estudante, usando o número identificador –LASID- de cada um.
        • Onde eu posso encontrar o número identificador –LASID- de meu estudante?

        O número LASID do estudante é 1 + número do cartão de merenda.

        • No boletim de cada estudante.
        • No passe de ônibus de cada estudante.
        • Pedindo o número na secretaria de sua escola.

        Eu me cadastrei no Portal Aspen X2 e mudei minha senha, mas esqueci qual é minha senha.

        Ligue para 508-626-9179 entre 10:00 am – 2:00 pm de segunda a sexta-feira, de 10:00 às 14:00 para reconfigurar sua senha. Pedido para renovar a senha do Aspen X2

      • Framingham Public School buses are equipped to monitor bus activity with the use of audio and visual recordings. School Administration generally requests to review the footage when a situation on a bus has been brought to their attention. Our current vendor, NRT Bus, may review footage for employee performance evaluations.

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      Transportation / What is the Aspen X2 Portal (2024)


      Why does it say my Aspen account is disabled? ›

      Aspen is telling me that my account is disabled. What do I do? To protect your security, if the wrong password is entered 5 times, your account will be disabled.

      Why can't I login to Aspen? ›

      If you are having issues logging into the system, please try clicking on the “I forgot my password” link. This will allow you to reset your password and/or re-enable your account.

      What is the login ID for Aspen? ›

      What is an Aspen login ID? A Follett Aspen Student Information System (SIS) login ID is provided by the district your student attends, and follows the format specified by them. It is most often an email address.

      What does ft mean in Aspen? ›

      A – Absent D – Dismissed T – Tardy E – Excused NC – No Call (School received notification from parent that the student would be absent so an Auto-Call telephone message does not need to be sent) FT – Field Trip (Student is attending a school approved trip.

      How do I enable my disabled account? ›

      If your account is disabled, you can ask Google to restore your access. To get started, head to and enter your Gmail address. Tip: If you can't get in to your account, you may be able to download and save account data from some Google Services.

      How to enable Aspen account? ›

      To enable or disable student or family account creation: Log on to the District view. Select District > Setup > Preferences. Click the Category drop-down to select Security.

      Why is Aspen not working? ›

      There may be several reasons for that: An outage that hasn't been communicated yet via the Follett Aspen status page. Some local issues with a small group of accounts on the service side. Technical issues on your side, or problems with your software or ISP.

      Why does Aspen say invalid login? ›

      When the user logs on and the user's location does not match what is entered here, Aspen displays Invalid login. If you leave this field blank, Aspen uses the value defined in the Security preferences for the district or intermediate organization , if specified.

      How do I get into Aspen? ›

      Visitors fly into either Denver International Airport (DIA) from where there are numerous shuttle services to Aspen Snowmass via I-70 and Colorado Highway 82 or into Pitkin County Airport just 3 miles from Aspen and 6 miles from Snowmass.

      How do you login into Aspen? ›

      How do I login to my Aspen account? To login to your Follett Aspen Student Information System (SIS) account, go to your district's URL for Aspen SIS through our School District Login Finder, and enter in the login ID and password provided to you by your district, or your latest password if recently changed.

      How do I find my Aspen password? ›

      The Recovery Steps are:
      1. On the Log-On page, click I forgot my password. The Password Reset dialog box appears.
      2. Enter your Log-In ID and Primary Email address.
      3. Click Continue. ...
      4. Type the response, and click Submit. ...
      5. Should this process not work for you, please contact your school's Guidance Dept.

      Why is my Aspen account expired? ›

      Aspen is telling me my account is disabled or expired. What do I do? To protect your account from someone attempting access by trying random passwords, when the wrong password is entered 5 times, your account will be disabled.

      What does "r" mean in attendance? ›

      R – Religious – Indicates an excused absence due to a verified religious holy day as stated in the FBISD Interfaith Calendar. S- Suspension – Indicates student was assigned Out of School Suspension per their. assigned Assistant Principal. Y – Student is absent due to enlisting in a branch of the US Military –

      What does an R mean in Aspen? ›

      The only code in Aspen that actually means "exempt" is the "x" code. For example, if the score reads "r (exempt)," that simply means "received" - "I have received your submissive assignment; it has not yet been assessed for a grade."

      What does ZG mean in Aspen? ›

      ZG: Old license plates that means they have lived in Aspen for a long time.

      What does account disabled mean? ›

      Without knowing the context of the question it is difficult to frame the response properly but in general, a disabled account was specifically disable and cannot be logged onto unless an administrator enables it. This prevents anyone from logging into it and/or accessing objects in it from another account.

      Why does it say my FSA ID is disabled? ›

      As a reminder, users must sign in to FSA Partner Connect at least every 90 days or their account will be disabled. Users who do not sign in within 365 days will be deactivated. Note: A user's status change due to inactivity will be different for each FSA system.

      How do I unlock my Aspen card? ›

      To activate your card:
      1. Call 0800 246 1327.
      2. Pick the appropriate language.
      3. Press Option 1 PIN Reveal.
      4. Enter the 16-digit number on the front of the Aspen Card.
      5. Enter your date of birth DDMMYY (for example, if your date of birth is 5th February 1975, enter the numbers on your keypad like this: 050275)

      Why does it say my Aspen account has expired? ›

      Aspen is telling me my account is disabled or expired. What do I do? To protect your account from someone attempting access by trying random passwords, when the wrong password is entered 5 times, your account will be disabled.


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      Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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      Author information

      Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

      Birthday: 1996-05-19

      Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

      Phone: +5983010455207

      Job: Legacy Representative

      Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

      Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.